All natural soy wax candles and beauty goods for slow, mindful living

April Candle Club: for growth

April Candle Club: for growth

Our April Candle Clubbers are in for a spring treat this month. It’s the season of growth after a long winter, and this month’s scent delivers on that for you both inside and out. Rosemary and Mint is an energizing, herby scent and part of our Spring Garden Collection, the scent literally of Growth. Find our Rosemary Mint Signature candle and a Grow On letterpress card in this month’s delivery!

April through the senses. Here’s what I’m:

Seeing: blooms! I fully enjoyed lots of park walks to see lots of blooms this month.

Hearing: It’s the Letter of the Daaayyyy on repeat and maybe not my fav.

Smelling: Spring scents and floral blooms.

Tasting: Strawberry blueberry oatmeal. Bb has this every morning so I started making it for myself, too. I’ve been on oats with apples since forever and never switched it up, but I had to try this and it’s a perfect spring / summer oatmeal.

Touching: Deck plants! It’s almost planting season (I’m holding out until Mother’s Day before I really dive in), but we’re loving watching our perennials sprouting out of the soil.



February Candle Club: for love

February Candle Club: for love