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January Self Care Chat: Self Care Goals

January Self Care Chat: Self Care Goals


In case you follow along on Instagram, I did a little self care chat on the first Sunday of the month- something I’m hoping to continue throughout the year. I love Instagram for all the pretty pictures, but it’s also such a great platform for creating community, which I’d love to do more with all of you, near and far.

The idea behind these self care chats is to share thoughts, goals, and tips on how we engage in self care in different ways. Some themes to look out for are plants as self care, affirmations as self care, creativity as self care, and more. Maybe we’ll start pairing them with an irl component in the studio, too, but who knows for 2020?! (I’m still tired from the holidays.)

January’s self care chat theme was self care goals and although they live here in our instagram story highlights, I wanted to also wrap them up below for all of you to enjoy and maybe to also inspire some of your own self care goals for the year. The first response is mine and the ones that follow are yours. Enjoy.

What are your self care goals for 2020?

For me, this year is about healing. I turn 30 this year and I feel like my 20s were about pushing through everything I could, so my 30s are going to be about healing and becoming my true self.

I also turn 30 this year and I decided to go to therapy. Yay!

Get more sleep!

Eat one piece of chocolate a day and stop comparing myself to others.

Get a deep-tissue acupuncture massage monthly. My shoulders need it!

Listening to my body instead of ignoring it and letting what’s outside of it tell me what to do.

Doing more of the stuff I like to do and less of the stuff I don’t like to do.

To practice more self compassion and to stop being so hard on myself.

Regular facials!

What do you want more of?

I want more down time and more time to explore other creative outlets like drawing, painting, ceramics, and floral design.

Yoga and rest, please!

What’s in your current self care practice and how often do you do it?

Currently I go to yoga once or twice a week and listen to a lot of Lizzo, which I’m 100% sure counts as self care. I also keep a journal, but that usually only appears when I’m past stressed out, and I like to do a lot of Netflix bingeing, which I’m also trying to change. Secretly, I’m not great at self care but I’m trying hard to be better at it.

Take a bath every evening. Sometimes it includes epsom salt or bubbles!

Exercise, journaling, brief meditation. Do it all daily.

Right now I meditate in the am but I could add more quiet time throughout the day.

Taking naps, and often. lol

Right now it’s the Calm app in the AM’s and yoga 1-2 times a week. That feels manageable.

pilates, reading, journaling, candles. I try to do it all daily but the weekends are harder.

Reflecting on my day in my journal. This helps me practice more gratitude.

What do you want to add to your self care routine? Where can you make time for it?

I want to take pottery classes, indulge in creative morning practices, and I want to read more which a friend taught me that carrying a book around with me everywhere will immediately solve.

More reading. I can do it on my commute when I’m normally staring at my phone.

Making lists of all the things I can do in my downtime that aren’t screens.

More reading! By not finishing books I don’t like.

Meditations and affirmations. I’d love to add these more to morning routine.

Thanks to everyone who played along for this first round! Save the date for February: Sunday, February 02 on Instagram stories.

February Self Care Chat: Self Love

February Self Care Chat: Self Love

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