All natural soy wax candles and beauty goods for slow, mindful living

Flowers Fer Yer Flowers

Flowers Fer Yer Flowers

A fundraiser for Planned Parenthood and the DC Abortion Fund. Over Mother’s Day weekend, we bundled bouquets of lisantias, wax flowers, and eucalyptus and donated 20% of the sales to these two organizations helping women exercise their rights to their body by accessing crucial healthcare needs.

It’s a hot button issue for sure, but one that we believe is truly important and has implications for so many other parts of humanity and family life. <3


This fundraiser is a part of our Spread Light Initiative. When causes arise near and dear to our hearts, we aim to spread the light any way we can.

May Candle Club: You're Blooming

May Candle Club: You're Blooming

April Candle Club: Green Things

April Candle Club: Green Things