All natural soy wax candles and beauty goods for slow, mindful living

May Candle Club: You're Blooming

May Candle Club: You're Blooming

April showers bring May flowers, so the saying goes. But May started with lots of rain around here, though it did make way to some pretty perfect May flowers. This month’s Candle Club delivery is perfect for this bloomy month, my favorite in fact, because it’s my birthday month, too!

Our May Candle Club delivery includes one special pour 9 oz Bloom candle and a new bottle of pink matches.

May Through the Senses. Here’s what I am

SEEING: Lots of little blooms at hardware stores that then make their way back to the deck garden that I'm cultivating.

HEARING: Pretty little birds chirping all around us all the time. It reminds me of waking up to birds singing during my very rural childhood. <3

SMELLING: Blooms, in candle form, and flower form these days. Particularly wax flower and eucalyptus, which we bundled into little bouquets a few weeks ago for our Flowers Fer Your Flowers fundraiser for Planned Parenthood and the DC Abortion fund.

TASTING: Strawberries. I was truly blessed to be born during both peony and strawberry season, and I am fully enjoying all the strawberry smoothies, yogurts, and frozen popsicles these days.

TOUCHING: Ground / decking in the city. Being barefooted on my deck is my favorite way to go about things these days. I'm reading a book on simple zen living, and the barefootedness it recommends is bringing all the joys.

Our Candle Club is the perfect way to indulge in the seasons. Join for yourself today, or send one to a friend as a gift! For candle lovers only. <3

June Candle Club: Get Out There

June Candle Club: Get Out There

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Flowers Fer Yer Flowers