All natural soy wax candles and beauty goods for slow, mindful living

A Homebody's Spring

A Homebody's Spring

A homebody’s dream: everyone is inside and there’s no FOMO. A positive take on an apocalyptic scenario to be sure, but what can we do but look on the bright side of things these days?

Now that we are all spending more time at home, it’s a great time to really evaluate how we live in these spaces. Often we can be so busy that we don’t appreciate what our homes do for us- recenter us, organize the chaos of our lives and selves before we venture back out into the world. As the seasons also change, it’s a great time to refresh our spaces for how we live in them. For me, it’s switching out my winter teas to spring teas and clearing the window ledges so I can let in some fresh breezes. Below are a few tips for how you can bring the freshness of spring indoors, something we could all use more of these days.


5 ways to freshen your home for Spring


1. Deep clean

Seize your inner Marie Kondo and deep clean your home. We accumulate a lot of stuff around the holidays and if you aren’t like me and do a deep cleaning and reorganization after the holidays, Spring is a perfect time to do it. I like to apply the KonMari method to my home every few months or year to reevaluate the things I live with, and I always feel so satisfied with the organization in the end. Also as you are disinfecting the higher-trafficked surfaces and areas of your homes, it’s a great time to deep clean the insides of your kitchen cabinets and scrub the corners of your bathroom. I promise your home will love you for it.


P.S. If you have a bunch of empty candle jars laying around, you can clean them out with the help of our handy tutorial and repurpose them as jars and vessels around your home.


2. Change up the vibe

Taking down winter decorations and switching out your heavy fabrics for lighter ones like linen and cotton is a great way to lighten your home for warmer weather. Spring is all about bright colors after a stagnant winter, so bringing in some accents will also brighten your spaces. Some of our favorite colors these days are blush pink, marigold, and water blue.


3. Get some plant roommates


Recently my four-year-old niece asked me if plants breathe in or out carbon dioxide, and I was so excited to share our symbiotic relationship with plants with her. As they breathe in our exhaled carbon dioxide, they make fresh oxygen for us, so the right plant can literally breathe life into your home. If you’re not up for voyaging into your local hardware store at the moment, call them up! I know our local Ace Hardwares in the DC area are doing curbside pickup so you can still get your plants, gold penny nails, and mason jars (or is that just my hardware shopping list?). We can (and should, more than ever!) still support our local establishments even if we can’t walk in and shop like normal.

Spring is also a perfect time to repot your existing plants, something I’m trying to get in the habit of doing each spring. Plants need more space for their roots and fresh soil to thrive. Spring is the beginning of the growing season making it the perfect time to change their diapers, I mean pots. ;)


4. Let there be sun

Something as simple as opening the blinds in your home can make a huge difference for your health and happiness. Light regulates your hormones, improves your mood and behavior, and also helps regulate your body’s natural rhythmic patterns too. If you have heavy curtains on the window to keep out the cold in the winter, switch them up for some light linen ones, my personal favorites. They let in the light even when they are partially drawn and white ones make your space feel a little like living in a cloud.


5. Set the mood with a new scent

Scent sets the mood in your home and switching up the scent can also switch up the energy of your home. A few of our favorites are aloe and green tea for a lighter, airier feel, Grow to energize you even when you’re stuck in the house, and lavender vanilla for a soft relaxing scent that also makes everything feel a little easier.

P.S. Our Spring Garden line is now in stock and shipping! Shop the collection to Sprout, Grow, and Bloom this season.

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