All natural soy wax candles and beauty goods for slow, mindful living

Retailer Feature: REWILD at USBG

Retailer Feature: REWILD at USBG

It’s no secret that we are pretty big plant people over here. Pop into our shop sometime and you’ll see for yourself that we are pretty hardcore plant addicts. I love plants and planty places and this retailer feature today is truly the best collision of my DC plant affections.

One of our favorite retailers, REWILD, has opened a new location in the heart of DC’s plant scene - the US Botanical Garden, located steps from the Capital and one of my absolute favorite places to spend an afternoon in, whenever I get the chance. If you haven’t visited USBG, make time to go! It has several rooms filled with therapeutic plant life. There’s always something in bloom and several climates to enjoy at once. One of my favorite things to do is visit the botanical gardens of other cities when I visit, and DC’s always holds a special place in my heart even after seeing so many. The architectural features, levels of exploration, and little pathways take the cake and I was so so happy to see REWILD expand into that space, bringing that local love for plants and plant things together.

Get to know Lily, one of the co-founders of REWILD in this interview below, and be sure to visit the space! We love seeing this little business growing in DC!

Who are you, what do you do, and why?

I'm Lily, a Co-Founder of REWILD!  I wear many hats in this organization, but these days I'm homing in on our marketing and workshop offerings.  I've always had an affinity for the natural world, and following my curiosity has led me to have had the privilege of creating REWILD to give people more ways to easily and meaningfully connect with nature.  

We're all so addicted to plants lately! But what do they mean to you specifically?

Plants are very personal for me.  As a California native, I grew up around a stunning variety of plant life.  When I moved to the midwest later in my childhood, I'd spend the long winters fantasizing about camping, hiking, and playing in west coast gardens.  I think nostalgia led me to a career in plants later in life.  

Tell us about the new USBG shop! Give us a tour through the senses. :) 

We were so excited to have the opportunity to curate a museum-style collection of plant-themed inventory for our Gift Shop at USBG, which we run in collaboration with the Friends of the USBG!  People of all ages and from all over the US come through the Conservatory of the USBG and find our gift shop as their last stop.  In it, you'll find books, tools, accessories, and even plants and pots.  We were especially excited by getting to feature creations from local makers such as Handmade Habitat's soy candles, to Neighborhood Goods' tea towels, to Marcella Kriebel's prints, and so many more.  

How has the DC community played a part in the life of Rewild?

REWILD simply wouldn't exist without the emphatic support of its neighbors and friends.  Our clients have been our biggest brand evangelists, talking us up to other people and featuring us on their social media.  REWILD strives to uphold its responsibility to our clients first and foremost, so we've been extending our availability to answer their plant questions and bring them more valuable content on our various platforms.  

What are you looking forward to in this season of life?

It's so exciting to be able to travel again, and I'm looking forward to planning some trips and getting to take a walk through more than just the wonders of local DMV nature :).  

Thanks to Lily for sharing! And thanks to Mariah Jones for the beautiful photos.

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