All natural soy wax candles and beauty goods for slow, mindful living

The In Between Sale

The In Between Sale

We are taking a little forced breather this month.

Our DC shop is closed for the time being and we are looking for a few shopkeepers to help get us through the rest of this calendar year there. Could that be you?!

Life in between chapters is such a magical time, isn't it? Here we are enjoying the last moments of one season of life - completing house projects, spoiling our furry firstborn, and slowly breaking in the new studio - before starting the next season, which could come at any time - today, tomorrow, or a month from now, only she knows when.

And here in the waiting, a treat for you.

Take 20% off site-wide with the code “INBETWEEN”

This sale includes Candle Club memberships, ceramic candles, custom note candles, and everything else too, and will run now until when I go into labor so it'll be a fun surprise to us all when it ends. Or begins. :)

Until then, my days are spent with bowls of fruit balanced on my belly and a pup by my side. I appreciate your support so much in this moment. I'm not really quite sure how to prepare for this big shift, but your kindness has been integral.

Thank you so much. <3

September Candle Club: For Easeful Transitions

September Candle Club: For Easeful Transitions

a big update from our little studio

a big update from our little studio