All natural soy wax candles and beauty goods for slow, mindful living

September Candle Club: For Easeful Transitions

September Candle Club: For Easeful Transitions

I have always loved the month of September, and now I have more reason to. For the past two weeks I've been loving on my new little baby bird that arrived just in time to help around the studio this holiday season!

It's such a special time for us nesting at home and figuring out our new little life, but I've always loved this time of year. There's a slight crispness in the air, the world shifts into new routines, and there's a hopeful energy all around us as we start looking toward our busiest time of the year, candle season.

I am slowly getting back into the studio and feeling somehow more settled than ever now that she is here, catching up on orders and exploring what this next life phase will look like for us. Dreaming of hot spicy lattes and fall adventures, and how to have a sustainable holiday season.

September through the senses. Here's what I'm...

SEEING: Long shadows as the days shorten and the weather shifts. I love moody fall lighting that makes everything feel a bit cozier.

HEARING: Little chirps and cries, or at least I'm always listening for them if I step away from baby bird to brush my teeth or find deodorant.

SMELLING: Aloe and green tea. Soft and soothing, easeful, and the perfect scent for when the weather can't make up its mind, or to put you at ease when chaos looms around in the form of barking dogs and crying babies. Find one in this month's Candle Club delivery with a bottle of easy to light green matches that also look perfecto on any shelf or coffee table.

TASTING: Simple café au laits. Just coffee and steamed oat milk, my new daily treat that feels so indulgent after a few years of drinking exclusively black coffee.

TOUCHING: The softest skin. <3


Join the Candle Club for cozy candle deliveries every month!

October Candle Club: scented for the season

October Candle Club: scented for the season

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